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Writer's picture: VINCIVINCI

Updated: May 17, 2020

This is Niko.

Niko, tell us more about how you got started in acting & what led you to be an aspiring model?

What really influenced me to pursue acting was growing up watching the original Spider-Man trilogy movies starring Tobey Maguire because still, to this day, I love superhero action-packed movies and I have been inspired for years to become a future movie star.

I have watched the Spider-Man trilogy movies since I was two years old and Spider-Man is my favorite superhero of all time, so I always wanted to be like him and inspire other individuals. 

Another motive that led me to acting was the WWE because my favorite superstars: Triple H, Randy Orton, Edge, Undertaker, and The Rock know how to execute fantastic and intense promos, making their fans buy into their characters. 

Terrance Howard, an actor who plays Lucious in my favorite television series: Empire, played a significant role in sparking my future acting career. I'm still motivated to appear on the big silver screen as the lead roles.

I have been an aspiring supermodel since 2016.

I use to take photos on my old iPhone 7 and then I upgraded to my current Canon EOS Rebel SL2 in December 2017.

That is when it became really serious, because it was my first ever professional camera and I have photoshoots now almost every where I go.

I also can edit pictures and videos very well. 

Various individuals have stated to me over the years, “You got the look, you should try modeling or acting."

I totally agree with them because it’s absolutely true.

My main goals are to become a supermodel and a successful movie star millionaire.

What has been the most difficult aspect about launching your career?

I believe the most difficult aspect about launching my career is finding the right individuals to connect with.

Throughout my life, I really haven’t been surrounded by people who benefit my career.

The other aspect is getting the proper exposure that I humbly deserve. 

The individuals in my inner circle who I love and care about support me the most and they believe that I will make it to the top and become successful in life.

Social networking is a significant key factor in determining an individual’s success.

The people in your social network can either make or break you.

I publish interesting photos and videos of my acting, modeling, and edits on my Instagram and I believe I have one of the best Instagram pages out there.

The obstacle in my path for now is most of my followers are not supporting my work and not reposting my content.

Numerous people envy me because they notice the potential and success that I will have in my life and they are upset they can not do anything good for themselves.

I will always overcome obstacles to succeed.

What has been some of your most favorite projects you've got to work on?

I'm in an upcoming film called, “Now Is Your Time” directed by JaNarie Rhambo and filmed by Romeo Pavana.

I play one of the lead roles as the character "Charles."

Charles is Lyla’s best friend and he cares for her and wants to protect Lyla from her abusive boyfriend, Roman. 

This short film intends to bring awareness to the dangerous effects of drug abuse and domestic violence.

Our cast and crew’s main objective is to raise awareness and to influence the viewers to prevent domestic violence because innocent individuals do not deserve this kind of treatment and victims of domestic violence need to speak up immediately to someone before it becomes too late.

The teaser trailer is on YouTube. Search “Now Is Your Time” and “JaNarie Rhambo” and it will be under the video’s title.

Do you have anything new or upcoming that we can expect to see from you?

Yes. I have another project I enjoyed working on called “I’m Not Dead Yet," directed by my close friend, Isiah Dedrick.

This is another short film I worked on that was submitted for the Jakob Owens Short Horror Film contest. 

The synopsis is that a woman gets into a car believing it is her Uber, but in reality, she is in the wrong car with a driver who is a serial killer.

I play the witness of this short film. We shot this in one take and it was a pretty amazing experience because the actors needed to perform the scenes correctly in a certain time frame.

Make sure you guys go check that out as well.

Follow Niko Gunn a.k.a. "NK3":


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